Spoiler Alert Radio

I recently got the privilege of being asked to do an interview with Toni Pennacchia, the host of Spoiler Alert Radio. Now if you don’t know about Spoiler Alert Radio, it’s a very cool podcast about all things film, locally and globally. She interviews filmmakers and such from around the world about their films, their processes, how they finance their projects, and more: basically, all the stuff you want to know!

Apparently, she had seen my short animation, How To Put a Square Peg Into a Round Hole, on B-Side and e-mailed me about a possible interview and sending my short animation to their film festival The MergingArts Short Short Story Film Festival, which tours the New England area in November 2008. I, of course, said yes to both! Then realized, “OH (Insert Your Own Expletive)! I’ve never done a radio interview before!!” Fortunately, though, I didn’t have too much time to think about it because a couple of days later I was on the phone with Toni doing the interview.

I would love to say I was as cool as a cucumber during the interview, but I was extremely nervous! But Toni does a good job of putting you at ease and I just tried to do my best to give more than the one-word answer … an interviewer’s worse nightmare, I’m sure. We basically talked about my first short animation, How To Put a Square Peg Into a Round Hole, my music videos for The Gaslights, Last Dollar & God, Guns & Glory, my day job career as a Designer/Video Editor/Animator and if I have any upcoming projects. I think I did okay … I definitely learned a lot from it! And if I’m ever privileged enough for another interview I think I’ll be more ready for it … although I’m sure my first thought will still be “OH (Insert Your Own Expletive)!!”

It aired live on Sunday, June 8th from 7-7:30PM EST on 88.1FM, WELH, Providence, RI, streaming at Brown University Student and Community Radio. And you can now listen to the podcast at Spoiler Alert Radio’s website by clicking here.

If you listen to it … well, first off, THANKS! and remember it’s my first interview … so be kind! ;b

Still Animated,

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