Changing Prices at the Movies

I need to make a small comment about some mega-plexs lately. I went to see the 4:15 showing today, which used to be matinee price … now it’s full price and $9.00! Which for here in the midwest is a little bit pricey, especially for a 4:15 movie. They don’t list the prices in a very visible place anymore either … why don’t they list the prices up on the electronic board where everyone can see it instead of on a little placard somewhere by the register? Anymore, I feel like I need a daily ticker to keep up with the changing prices. It’s one price during the week, a different price in the morning, and different prices depending on what time of day you go on the weekends. Frankly, they’re starting to price me out!

1 Comment

  • Karen

    05.03.2007 at 10:00 Reply

    Amen! I completely agree! It’s getting pretty crazy! What happened to matinée prices? I went to the movies to see “Amazing Grace” (

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